Climate Compass - The app for climate protection - Worldwatchers


The Climate Compass is a comprehensive climate protection app with which you can calculate your own CO2 consumption, complete exciting climate challenges and compare products from the food sector for their CO2 and material footprint.

To the website


Julius Gronau
September 27, 2021


CO2 Calculator
software development


Climate compass - The app for climate protection

The challenge

"If you eat too much, you ruin your figure. If you consume too much CO2, you ruin the climate." With this easily understandable credo, Worldwatchers was founded in 2019. While the founders come from a wide variety of backgrounds, they were united by one thing right from the start: the great desire to do their part for the urgently needed climate protection. Aware of the scope of their task, the team set to work and launched a crowdfunding campaign. The feedback and the many financial supporters showed the Worldwatchers that they had chosen the right path.

The Worldwatchers slogan: Sustainability made easy
Two questions had to be answered: How do we reach people? And how do we inspire them for the topic?

Although the topic of climate protection has become increasingly important in the course of the last few years, also in the public discussion, as a neutral observer one can still come to the conclusion that the precarious climate situation has still not arrived everywhere. The goal of Worldwatchers was thus to create a medium that was easily available and easy to use for everyone. In addition, the content should not only appeal to die-hard climate activists, but also to people who have not been dealing with the issue for so long.

The solution

The Climate Compass - the app that makes climate protection suitable for everyday use

Impressions from the Climate Compass App

The Climate Compass is the most comprehensive climate protection app on the German market to date. With the help of the Climate Compass, you can calculate your own CO2 consumption, complete exciting climate challenges and compare the CO2 and material footprint of various products from the food sector. Based on the designs of Polycore Werbeagentur GmbH, twigbit implemented the app technically.

The Main Features

The CO2 Calculator

In the run-up to this project, we at twigbit have already developed a CO2 calculator. With the help of the intuitive CO2 calculator, private individuals can easily calculate their own CO2 consumption. All values of the CO2 calculator are based on the latest scientific findings. Answer questions on the categories living, nutrition, mobility, consumption and hobbies and find out how you compare to the German average consumption.

The Climate Marathon

The Klimathon enables municipalities and companies to carry out a completely individual Climate Challenge. Together with the Worldwatchers team, you develop exciting challenges to save your CO2 emissions. It is possible to integrate your own local or company-specific challenges. The challenges are suggestions for CO2 saving possibilities in daily life. All participants can choose the challenges that suit them best, implement them for at least one week during the Climate Marathon and document their success in the app. Each challenge has a savings potential value, which is indicated by the number of points per challenge. In addition to the private areas of life, there are also challenges for everyday professional life, which then have a positive effect on the employer's carbon footprint.

The barcode scanner

A huge Product Footprint Engine (PFE) database helps you calculate the carbon footprint of over a million products. This way, you can determine the CO2 and material footprint of this product group while shopping and make climate-conscious decisions even before buying the product. The barcode scanner includes access to the device's internal camera so that products can be easily scanned via smartphone. Technically, the app offers an interface to a GTIN database and the corresponding readout of product data and CO2 emission values.

Closing words

The Worldwatchers and their climate compass were a great opportunity to use our software development for a good cause. The app fills an exciting gap in the still very meagre climate protection app market and we are happy to be part of this exciting project.

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